
Showing posts with the label Voting

30 Powerful Reasons Why Voting Matters: A Guide to Civic Responsibility.

  Introduction Voting is one of the most powerful ways to make a difference in your community, state and country. Voting allows you to have a say in who represents you and how they will lead. Voting also helps ensure that our elected officials are accountable to voters, not special interests or corporations. Voting gives us all an opportunity to participate in our democracy by electing representatives who share our values and priorities for our communities and country. The Impact of Voting on Local Communities Voting in local elections is just as important as voting for president. Local governments have a lot of power, and they can do a lot to impact your life. For example, if you live in an area where there are no laws against smoking indoors, or if you have kids who attend public schools with low standards for education and safety--these are both things that could be changed by voting in local elections! In addition to making sure that your community is run properly, voting also impa